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Unleash ChatGPT power
with your data

Get your own ChatGPT, trained on your data in minutes. Upload files, link websites, databases, APIs in minutes and get your tailored Al solution!

Cerebrate is the perfect solution for any Enterprise that wants to use Generative AI.


AI should be simple to use. Just describe the task and give a few examples, that's all. No training, no engineers, no datasets, and no huge costs.

  • Want to recommend products or items to your users?
    Smart recommendation increases engagement and interaction, as well as increasing sales and conversions. If it works for Netflix, Spotify, and Amazon, then why not for you
  • Gmail suggests quick answers, why not your app?
  • Access thousands of ready-made solutions and improve your code instantly

How it works?

No more model training, and months of experiments. Use Cerebrate to solve any task within minutes.
See how easy it is to solve any task, you can also use our marketplace where we have solutions to thousands of common tasks.

Step #1
Describe your task
Describe the task you want to solve in plain language. It can be as simple as 'what category and item this todo task is?'.
Step #2
Provide some examples
Instead of spending months building datasets, Cerebrate can understand what you need from just a few examples of your task.
Step #3
Solve your task
Use Cerebrate to solve new inputs from users. The API will use the task description and examples to solve them.

Writing AI code should be as easy as writing any code

Cerebrate allows you to solve tasks that weren't possible before now. Classify, predict, recommend, and much more.


Solve tasks in minutes

You no longer need to build huge datasets and waste weeks training models. Solve tasks within minutes and deploy to production in just a few hours.

Pay for what you need

Cerebrate's request based model is simple and makes sure that you only pay when you need it, saving you GPU and engineering costs.

Share and reuse solutions

Use the marketplace to find and share your own solutions, or use ready-made solutions to solve common problems even faster.

Use your favorite language

Cerebrate integrates as an SDK into your favorite IDE and language. Use it across Swift, JavaScript, Python, and many more.

Sign up for our private beta and be among the first to use Cerebrate

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What kind of problems can I use Cerebrate to solve?

    You can use Cerebrate to solve any task that can be described in plain language. This includes tasks like classification, prediction, recommendation, and much more.
  • How precise is the solution after describing the task?

  • Is there any limitations on the usage of Cerebrate?

  • What languages do you support?

  • How is Cerebrate different from other AI platforms?

  • Do I need to provide training data?

  • How long does it take to get started with Cerebrate?

Upgrade your apps with AI. Sign up today and use for free.